How Keepe Handles Handymen Unavailabilities

How Keepe Handles Handymen Unavailabilities

Every rental property requires a level of maintenance at some point in time. As such, the goal of every property manager is to find a competent yet available handyman to handle these maintenance issues when they arise. Unfortunately, finding a qualified yet available handyman can be challenging. Either they are busy with other properties, not available 24/7, or constrained by a public holiday.

Property managers around the globe understand that there are specific tenant requests that may require urgent response due to the severity of the damage if left unattended. Take, for instance, a gas leak, a broken water pipe, or even a door lockout. As a property manager, working with an unavailable handyman or contractor comes with several drawbacks, which may affect the overall condition of not just your tenants but building in general.

What Are the Drawbacks of Working with An Unavailable Handyman?

  • Unnecessary Delay

Hiring an unavailable handyman will only lead to unwanted delays when it comes to fixing a maintenance issue. Imagine being unable to get in touch with your designated handyman for a broken water pipe, it will only lead to more problems and delays. Delay can be dangerous when it comes to managing a rental property.

  • Stress

Tenants, especially millennials, want a quick and superb response to their requests at all times. Working with an unavailable handyman will lead to unplanned delays, which will only increase the pressure from your tenants. No tenant wants to live in an apartment that is experiencing a gas leak or broken water pipe about to flood their apartment. If you're going to skip the stress associated with searching for a handyman for an urgent repair issue, then it is important you turn to Keepe.

  • Higher Cost

Working with an unavailable handyman may have you spending more to get specific property maintenance issues fixed. Firstly, you have to source for a new one, interview, carry out background checks, and familiarize them about your property maintenance history. This is time-consuming and money-draining. If you aren't careful, you may end up with a 'terrible' handyman due to the unavailability of your designated property contractor. Also, during certain off-periods such as public holidays or after work hours, most handymen may have to charge at a higher rate to help you get your maintenance issue fixed.

  • Unsatisfied Tenants

In the rental property world, tenants are the cashflow generators and deserve the absolute best. Tenants want to get the value of their rents, and this may be seen from their need to get a particular maintenance issue fixed with no delay. As a property manager, the best way to increase your tenant retention rate or attract new tenants is to satisfy your existing tenant's maintenance request as soon as they come in.

How Can Keepe Help You Improve Your Property Maintenance Handyman Availability?

Studies have shown that access to an available list of competent handymen is one of the top desires of most rental property managers. In fact, ALL property managers want a handyman that is available to attend to their property maintenance requests around the clock. Keepe helps property managers access competent handymen and contractors at all times, every day. With Keepe, property managers have access to an on-demand list of qualified handymen 24/7 and 365 days a year, even during holidays.