Who is Keepe Who is Keepe? #7 Learn about the people behind Keepe and what makes them such great assets to the company. Today, find out about Brayden, and how he helps us reach out to new property managers and teach others the benefits of Keepe.
Who is Keepe Who is Keepe? #6 Today, find out about Kaleb, and how he helps us build relationships with property management companies.
Who is Keepe Who is Keepe? #5 Learn about the people behind Keepe and what makes them such great assets to the company. Today, find out about Keven, and how he helps us reach out to new property managers and expand Keepe's reach.
Who is Keepe Who is Keepe? #4 Learn about the people behind Keepe and what makes them such great assets to the company. Today, find out about Samantha, and how he helps us on-board new Keepers ad expand our network.
Who is Keepe Who is Keepe? #3 Find out the about the people behind Keepe and what makes them such great assets to the company. Today, find out about Chloe, and how she helps with the ins and outs of the operations team.
Who is Keepe Who is Keepe? #2 Learn about the people behind Keepe and what makes them such great assets to the company. Today, find out about Guy, and how he helps us in operations.
Who is Keepe Who is Keepe? #1 A new series of blog posts! Learn about the people behind Keepe and what makes them such great assets to the company. Today, find out about Armand, and how he helps us achieve new heights.