Who is Keepe? #2

Learn about the people behind Keepe and what makes them such great assets to the company. Today, find out about Guy, and how he helps us in operations.

Guy Sparkman is an Operations Specialist here at Keepe. He is the man between the tenant and the Keeper, making sure everything runs smoothly. Guy always brings the energy level up around the office and builds lasting relationships with the tenants and Keepers he works with.

Get to know Guy with these 15 quick questions:

What do you do for Keepe?

Manage day to day operations for property maintenance appointments.

What's your favorite thing about Keepe?

Every day is different. New problems to solve and new people to help out. Keeps the job fun and fulfilling!

What were you doing before working at Keepe?

Being a student at the University of Washington. Go Dawgs!

What are three career lessons you’ve learned thus far?

  1. Anything is possible.
  2. Teamwork makes the dreamwork
  3. Relationships are key.

How do you define success?

For the work that I do at Keepe, success is taking care of client request as efficiently and hands off as possible.

What do you like to do for fun? Any hobbies?

I love to try all kinds of new foods. Also like to stay active by playing tennis, soccer, basketball and skateboarding with my buddies.

What is on your bucket list?

Travel Europe and live in Japan.

What are your top 3 favorite Podcasts/Books?

  1. The Ringer NBA Show
  2. The Daily
  3. Planet Money

What are your top 3 favorite Movies/Shows?

  1. The Office
  2. Lost
  3. Game of Thrones

Who's your favorite sports team?

Philadelphia Eagles

Do you have a favorite travel spot?


What is your favorite restaurant?


What is your favorite quote?

Just Do It.

If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet?

Kanye West

Any random facts about you?

Born in Japan. Never broken a bone. Cycled from Port Townsend, WA to the Mexican Border.